
Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Review for TWMD

A beautifully written and insightful review of The War Master's Daughter has just been posted over at The Action Prose, a great in-your-face writing and life blog by @RanceDenton.
"To suggest that Elly Zupko’s The War Master’s Daughter is merely a historical fiction novel would be to ignore a great number of its evident strengths.  Simultaneously, pigeonholing the novel into any specific genre would be to discredit its willingness to step outside its comfort zones. The greater part of The War Master’s Daughter is confused about what genre it may actually be, but that doesn’t draw away from the novel’s overall quality.  Zupko’s book is a fantastic independent offering the intense strengths of which outweigh the few moments where its footing occasionally wavers.
..."[read more]

1 comment:

Emily Saso said...

Hi Elly! I finished your book last night. I really enjoyed it. Congratulations! When's the next one coming out?

(Note that I didn't put a smiley-face emoticon after that last sentence. Yeah, that's because I'm being serious. I want more Elly!)